About these courses

TeleEMG is the web's largest source of online EMG and Nerve Conduction education.

TeleEMG is the web’s largest source of online EMG and Nerve Conduction education. With a web presence since 1996 and thousands of unique visitors daily, TeleEMG is the oldest and best established resource for instant online access to high quality educational material in the fields of EMG and Nerve Conduction Studies on the web.

The videos you are about to watch were developed with the single purpose of providing you with an in depth review of the principles and technical aspects of EMG and Nerve Conduction Studies. They cover nerve and muscle anatomy, physiology, and practical demonstrations of well established techniques designed to assist you in the performance of EMG and Nerve Conduction studies.

For a best value for your investment, we highly recommend that you watch them in the order they are designated because a good deal of introductory material included in each one is built upon, but not always repeated in detail, the material covered in the previous courses.

Though most of us are sometime inclined to skip these introductions, you will quickly come to to realize how valuable they will be in solidifying your understanding of the techniques covered in detail in these online courses.

Series Author:

Joe F. Jabre, M.D., Diplomate
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN)
American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine (ABEM)

Dr. Jabre has a career that spans 30 years in the practice of EMG and Nerve Conduction studies in major Boston teaching hospitals. He has written numerous books and articles on the topic and has been an invited speaker to national and international seminars, including 75 invited lectureship in over 20 countries. He has trained hundreds of residents and students in the performance of basic and sophisticated EMG and nerve conduction studies and continues to do research in these fields.

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